Independent Loyal Orange Lodge
Greenock 102
Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. - Peter 2;17
The first notable effect after the formation of the Independent Order was a more liberal interpretation of the rules of the "old order." In the early years of our Institution many suffered the full wrath of the "powers that be." Jobs were lost, homes were burnt and our headquarters in Belfast bombed. It is due to the grit and determination of our forebears that all progressive organisations in Ulster today owe the comparative tolerance shown to them. In short our organisation pioneered the right of free speech in Ulster at great personal privation and cost. We do not wish to see the Institution divided, but while the Old Order maintains its totalitarian laws, its political affiliation, and its spiritual weakness, we cannot see the cause of reformation principles being kept primarily to the fore in its ranks.
Independent Orangeism today believes as it did in 1903, that it is essential for the Orange Institution to be kept free from Party Politics and forever guard the principles of Reformation Protestantism. We have often sounded the alarm when these principles were endangered by unscrupulous politicians.
We sounded the alarm in 1954 when the World Council of Churches first appeared to be drifting Rome ward. Our opposition to Ecumenism and the modernistic approach has been voiced on many occasions since.
The foundation of our order is.... The Protestant Religion. It is our duty to witness to the truths of Protestantism, to promote its doctrines, and defend it against all foes. Ours is not a sectional interest or party cause, rather we look beyond self-interest, or the interest of party to promote Protestant Interest. We welcome every effort by other organisations to act similarly.
This leads the Order to take a strong position in defence of the truths of the Bible and against those who would seek to undermine our historic evangelical Protestant Faith. We take every opportunity to work with others who share our aims in these matters.
While being opposed to Orangeism being linked to a political party we do not shirk from our responsibility to defend the Constitutional position of the United Kingdom, in general, and Northern Ireland, in particular. In all periods of constitutional crisis we have worked alongside Unionist politicians and parties. Always seeking to modify their views to in Independent position - and with some success. We firmly stand by the principle of Civil and religious Liberty for all, regardless of class or creed.
The structure of the Order lends itself to easy communication and disciplined action based on that communication. Thus we have been able to participate in constitutional stoppages, days of action, parade protests. On occasions lodges have been given area responsibility as part of an overall co-ordinated, disciplined and peaceful protest action.
The Institution has another important role in promoting Protestant history. This is most obvious during the Twelfth and other parades, but there is considerable scope for lectures, tours of historic sites and commemorative publications.
By our existence the Institution proclaims the principle of Liberty of Conscience. We declare our right to think and act Independently without direction from political or clerical masters. As such we serve to strengthen the position of Orangeism in general while ensuring that there is a more liberal interpretation of the Laws of the Loyal Orange Institution. Indeed, we continue to warn of the danger of the development of a social and cultural Orangeism devoid of Protestant principle.
On all these principles the Order continues to work.
We claim the support of all Protestants in our fight to maintain:
Or in other words to ensure that Protestantism, and the many constitutional, social and cultural benefits which flow from it, is continually promoted and defended as the religion of the Bible and the foundation of modern democracy.